Ruby - Exception occured: [Mysql2::Error] closed MySQL connection

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-01-14 07:27:30


I have a Rails application now only runs internally, so there's not so much visits right now. And there're two resque worker running hardly to fetch data from the web and inserts into a mysql database, every insert will followed by sleep 10 second.

We run it on a VPS. After like every 5 hours, I will encounter an Exception Exception occured: [Mysql2::Error] closed MySQL connection".

What could be the reason causing the exception? Now the pool size is 5.

Will it help if I raise the pool size and specify reconnect: true in my database.yml?


This is a common issue when using the mysql2 gem version 0.2.11 or below in combination with multithreading. There is a bug on the issue tracker with a details on the problem but in conclusion the advice is to:

  1. Update the gem version you are using to >= 0.2.12
  2. Add the reconnect: true option your db connection config in the database.yml file

You probably already solved your problem but this might help others who come across this question.


If your workers are inactive for a long period of time, they'll lose their MySQL connection.

see here for the solution

or just stick this in an initializer

unless Rails.env.to_s == 'test'
  module ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters
    class Mysql2Adapter
      alias_method :execute_without_retry, :execute

    def execute(*args)
      rescue Exception => e
        if e.message =~ /server has gone away/i
          warn "Server timed out, retrying"
          raise e


More insight on how to debug this for delayed_job. I did the following after setting reconnect: true on database.yml, and this solution not working.

cd /your_rails_deploy_code/log
cat production.log

# check the pids from delayed job:
E, [2017-02-01T19:45:21.614579 #2592] ERROR -- : 2017-02-01T19:45:21+0000: [Worker(delayed_job.3 host:demeter pid:2592)] Job ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::DelayedJobAdapter::JobWrapper (id=193675) FAILED (0 prior attempts) with Mysql2::Error: closed MySQL connection

On my specific case, pid:2592 is the only one constantly failing. Why? Let's find out:

[deploy@demeter] ps -ef | grep 2592
deploy   2592     1  0 Jan31 ?        00:00:40 production/delayed_job.3
deploy   23312     1  0 Feb01 ?        00:00:40 production/delayed_job.1
deploy   23318     1  0 Feb01 ?        00:00:40 production/delayed_job.0

I noticed that specific process started days before my latest deploy. As soon as I killed it, the errors were gone. What I assume happened on my specific case was that my latest deploy did not delete all delayed_job instances correctly.

