Autocomplete and tooltip with jquery [closed]

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-01-13 13:52:49


How to display the autocomplete and tooltip like this?

Thanks all.


It's just

with some CSS features. You can use Chrome > Inspector to see what kind of styles they added to create such UI l&f


Basically it's hover binding in jquery


and in this example ( they call a link which is part of autocomplete div

<div class="live-search-icon" style="background-image: 
url(; ">
       <a href="/item=19003" class=" q4">
        <span>Head of Nefarian</span>

and jquery does an .ajax() call to url like this: /item=19003&power

returned data are in json

$WowheadPower.registerItem('18422', 0, {
name_enus: 'Head of Onyxia',
quality: 4,
icon: 'INV_Misc_Head_Dragon_01',
tooltip_enus: '<table><tr><td><b class="q4">Head of Onyxia</b><br /><!--bo-->Binds when picked up<br />Unique<br /><a href="/quest=7490" class="q1">This Item Begins a Quest</a><br />Requires Level 60<br />Item Level 60</td></tr></table><table><tr><td><span class="q">&quot;The head of the Black Dragonflight\'s Brood Mother&quot;</span></td></tr></table>'

and they are displayed in div, positioned relative to mouse pointer position

i didn't extracted exact code, but it is possible, their .js files are only compressed, not obfuscated


You can use the "title" attribute:

    $(function() {
        //field desc -> is the "tooltip"
        var availableTags = [
            { label: "Choice1", value: "value1", desc: "descricao 1" },
            { label: "Choice2", value: "value2", desc: "descricao 2 bla bla bla" },
            { label: "Choice3", value: "value3", desc: "descricao 3 ble" },
            { label: "Choice4", value: "value4", desc: "descricao 4 bli bli bli" }
        $( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
            source: availableTags,
            focus: function( event, ui ) {
                $(".ui-autocomplete > li").attr("title", ui.item.desc);

You can find others examples on Internet using the "tooltip" from jquery-ui (that was added in version 1.9).

