Python Connect over HTTP proxy with pysftp

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-01-13 13:00:50


Currently, I am doing SFTP transfer using Python subprocess.POPEN and PuTTY psftp.exe.

It is working, but not really clean nor transportable.

I would like to reproduce the same behavior using Python pysftp, but I do not know where to input all the parameters. I have in PuTTY the following configuration:

  • Server IP :
  • Server Port : 22
  • Connection Type : SSH
  • AutoLogin UserName : MyUser
  • Proxy type : HTTP
  • Proxy Hostname :
  • Proxy port : 1234
  • Proxy Username : ProxyUser
  • Proxy Password: ProxyPass

How should I input all these parameters in pysftp so I can retrieve my files?

EDIT: Using the answer from Martin Prikryl, I found some new stuffs to explore. If I understand well, I need to use a socket. Put I still have some problem to input all the information I need.

import socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
proxy = ("",1234)
cmd_connect = "CONNECT {}:{} HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n".format(*target)

The respond that I receive from this is HTTP/1.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required, which is kind of normal because I did not use the Proxy authentication information anywhere. So, do you have any idea how I can use them and input them into my socket ?


I do not think that the pysftp supports proxies. Though note that the pysftp is just a wrapper around Paramiko library, which does support proxies.

So I suggest you to use Paramiko directly.

For a start see How to ssh over http proxy in Python?, particularly the answer by @tintin.

To authenticate to the proxy, after the CONNECT command, add a Proxy-Authorization header like:

Proxy-Authorization: Basic <credentials>

where the <credentials> is base-64 encoded string username:password.

cmd_connect = "CONNECT {}:{} HTTP/1.1\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic <credentials>\r\n\r\n".format(*target)


In my case, I do this:

import pysftp
import paramiko

hostname, prot = '', 22
proxy = paramiko.proxy.ProxyCommand('/usr/bin/nc --proxy proxy.foobar:8080 %s %d' % (hostname, port))
t = paramiko.Transport(sock=proxy)
t.connect(username='abc', password='123')

sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) # back to pysftp wrapper

