preg_match_all , get all img tag that include a string

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-01-13 05:01:06


this code get all img tags


but I want get tags that their filenames includes "next.gif" or "pre.gif"

for example :

$page = '
<img border="0" alt="icon" src="" width="90" height="90">
<img border="0" alt="icon" src="" width="90" height="v">
<img border="0" alt="icon" src="">
<img border="0" alt="icon" src="" width="90" height="90">

and I output should be like this :

   <img border="0" alt="icon" src="" width="90" height="90">
    <img border="0" alt="icon" src="" width="90" height="90">


I'd have to go with this one:


Or in PHP:

$regexp = '/(<img[^>]*src=".*?(?:pre\.gif|next\.gif)"[^>]*>)/i';
$iResults = preg_match_all($regexp, $str, $aMatches);
print_r($aMatches); // you'll see what you need

-- edit: Oops. I made a mistake. The . in pre.gif and next.gif in the regexp the regexp must be escaped!! I didn't before. -- edit

PS. You might be using preg_match_all wrong. The arguments are: (pattern, subject, &matches)

PS. The results of my pattern + your subject:

    [0] => Array
            [0] => <img border="0" alt="icon" src="" width="90" height="v">
            [1] => <img border="0" alt="icon" src="" width="90" height="90">
    [1] => Array
            [0] => <img border="0" alt="icon" src="" width="90" height="v">
            [1] => <img border="0" alt="icon" src="" width="90" height="90">

