How to pass filter to a directive in AngularJS

五迷三道 提交于 2020-01-11 11:28:10


I have a custom directive and I want to be able to pass a filter name to it. That filter will then be use in my template. Here is what I got so far:

the directive:

angular.module('forecastDirective', [])
.directive('forecast', ['appConfig', function(appConfig) {
    return {
        templateUrl: appConfig.directivesRoot + 'templates/forecast.html',
        replace: true,
        scope: {
            weatherObject: "=",
            convertToDate: "&",
            filterTemp: "@",
            dateFormat: "@",

The template:

<div class="panel panel-default">
    <div class="panel-heading">
        <h3 class="panel-title">{{ convertToDate({ dt: weatherObject.dt }) | date: dateFormat }}</h3>
    <div class="panel-body">
        Daytime temperature: {{ | filterTemp }}


A very simple way is, using the $filter service and a function in the scope that delegates to the correct filter:

angular.module('forecastDirective', [])
.directive('forecast', ['appConfig', function(appConfig) {
    return {
        templateUrl: appConfig.directivesRoot + 'templates/forecast.html',
        replace: true,
        scope: {
            weatherObject: "=",
            convertToDate: "&",
            filterTemp: "@",
            dateFormat: "@",
        controller: ['$filter', '$scope', function($filter, $scope) {
            $scope.filterFn = function(in) {
                return $filter($scope.filterTemp)(in);

A downside is that you can no longer use it as a filter:

    <div class="panel-body">
        Daytime temperature: {{ filterFn( }}

I guess the intended filter function returns a primitive (string, number, boolean). If it returns something complex (object, array), you may need to cache return values to avoid infinite digest cycles.

You can implement a meta-filter:

    .filter('metafilter', ['$filter', function($filter) {
        return function(input, filterName) {
            return $filter(filterName)(input);

Use it as:

    <div class="panel-body">
        Daytime temperature: {{ | metafilter:filterTemp }}

This is a fiddle demonstrating the metafilter:


You don't need to have access to it in the controller to use it in the View. That's kind of the point of filters. If you actually needed it in the controller, you could request it by itself by asking for filterTempFilter to be injected. Or you can have the $filter provider injected and ask for your specific filter from it.

