How to get component located in a specific gridx, gridy from a JPanel with GridBagLayout layout?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-01-11 10:43:11


I have a jpanel with gridbaglayout layout, in it i have several jtextfields, several jlabels, several jbuttons which get added dynamically. Therefore I cannot know their specific orders, hence cannot use panel.getComponent(count). I looked in the api if there is something like getGridx(int x) or getGridy(int y). Didn't find. Is there anything similar to those methods?


The simplest solution might be to use GridBagLayout#getConstraints(Component) and simply loop through all the components until you find one that matches the required grid position...

Component match = null;
GridBagLayout layout = ...
for (Component comp : getComponents()) {
    GridBagConstraints gbc = layout.getConstraints(comp);
    if (gbc.gridx = x && gbc.gridy = y) {
        match = comp;

