
JFrame Component's Size And location

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-07-22 22:16:27
问题 i am learning GridBagLayout and did very simple layout that is attached,There are two very small confusions 1- Size of Buttons i have used New.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70,23)); is it standard way to make all the buttons same size 2-Placing of components does not look good now see there is much more padding on all sides of components , so how to put it in right way from top left corner , should i decrease size of JFrame? or use frame.pack(); both work but dont know what is standard

Drag component within a JPanel using Gridbag layout manager

主宰稳场 提交于 2020-07-09 05:42:05
问题 I am trying to implement dragging of a J component within a JPanel. The JPanel has to use Gridbag layout manager. I reviewed many dragging codes, including Moving Windows. They all use component.setLocation(x, y); which has no effect when using Gridbag layout manager. I need help with alternative approach. 回答1: if the JComponent is the only component in the JPanel, the task is not that complicated. Here is a small demo program that does it (with a bonus of re-sizing the component in response

Change the component weight dynamically in GridBagLayout

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-06-24 13:42:07
问题 Suppose now there are some components inside a JPanel and the layout is arranged using GridBagLayout. Is it possible to change the weight(weightx or weighty) of the components dynamically (e.g. after pressing a button)? Thank you. 回答1: Remove and add the component with a new GridBagConstraint. After that call panel.revalidate(); panel.repaint(); Use the method to get current constraints public GridBagConstraints getConstraints(Component comp) 来源:

Swing - JScollArea in GridBagLayout collapses when resizing

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-06-17 10:25:32
问题 I'm writing an "image viewer" app with a central area containing the image, plus toolbars etc. around it. I selected a GridBagLayout for the flexibility I need, but as soon as the main window is reduced, instead of having scrollbars appearing around the image, the whole scrollpane collapses to a 0x0px area. Please find below a minimal code to illustrate this. Try leaving the dimensions at 500x500 and reducing the window by a few pixels by dragging one of its corners inwards: import javax