Make a scrollView autoscroll with drag and drop in Android

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-01-10 02:05:24


I searched all over, but could not find a solution.

I have a view (lets call it myView) inside a scrollview. myView is bigger than the screen. Since I'm able to get the relative x,y position of my finger inside myView, I would like to make the scrollView autoscroll to the top/bottom when my finger enters a certain top/bottom threshold. I have some ideas, namely translating the drag location to the screen position but this did not solve this problem.

thanks in advance



All right I figured it out by myself.

First I had to extend the ScrollView class and added an interface OnScrollViewListener.

public class MyScrollView extends ScrollView {
    private OnScrollViewListener mListener;

    public MyScrollView(Context c, AttributeSet attrs) {
       super(c, attrs);

    protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) {
       super.onScrollChanged(l, t, oldl, oldt);
       if (mListener != null) {
           mListener.onScrollChanged((OnScrollViewListener) this);

    public void setOnScrollViewListener(OnScrollViewListener listener) {
       mListener = listener;

    public static interface OnScrollViewListener {
       public void onScrollChanged(OnScrollViewListener listener);

Next in my Activity I inserted a member mScrollDistance that indicates the amount of pixels the user scrolls.

public class ScrollActivity extends Activity {
   private int mScrollDistance;

   protected void OnCreate(...) {

     final MyScrollView myScrollView = (MyScrollView) findViewById(;
     myScrollView.setOnScrollViewListener(new MyScrollView.OnScrollViewListener() {

          public void onScrollChanged(OnScrollViewListener listener) {
             mScrollDistance = listener.getScrollY();

     // making an drag and drop in an view that is inside the MyScrollView
     final LinearLayout myLayout = (LinearLayout)findViewById(;
     myLayout.setOnDragListener(new View.OnDragListener() {
       public boolean onDrag (View v, DragEvent event) {
         int action = event.getAction();
         switch(action) {
            case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED: {
            case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION: {

              int y = Math.round(event.getY());
              int translatedY = y - mScrollDistance;
              int threshold = 50;
              // make a scrolling up due the y has passed the threshold
              if (translatedY < threshold) {
                 // make a scroll up by 30 px
                 myScrollView.scrollBy(0, -30);
              // make a autoscrolling down due y has passed the 500 px border
              if (translatedY + threshold > 500) {
                 // make a scroll down by 30 px
                 myScrollView.scrollBy(0, 30);
              // listen for more actions here
              // ...

Now, mScrollDistance gets always a new value and the drag location will be translated to the view location. I tested this and it works on layouts/views that are bigger than the screen size.

Hope that helps.


I came up with a different solution and I am happy with it.

I want to be able to drag and drop views inside a ScrollView. The ScrollView then needs to scroll up and down automatically when the shadow reaches the edges of the scroll view.

I ended up with a solution that detects wether the drop zone is completely visible inside the scrollview (with a 100px margin) and adjust the scroll view otherwise.

public boolean onDrag(View view, DragEvent event) {

    MainWidget dropZoneView = (MainWidget) view;

    int action = event.getAction();
    switch (action) {
        case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED:
        //(... other stuff happens here)
        case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION:

            ScrollView mainScrollView = (ScrollView) findViewById(;

            int topOfDropZone = dropZoneView.getTop();
            int bottomOfDropZone = dropZoneView.getBottom();

            int scrollY = mainScrollView.getScrollY();
            int scrollViewHeight = mainScrollView.getMeasuredHeight();

            Log.d(LOG_TAG,"location: Scroll Y: "+ scrollY + " Scroll Y+Height: "+(scrollY + scrollViewHeight));
            Log.d(LOG_TAG," top: "+ topOfDropZone +" bottom: "+bottomOfDropZone);

            if (bottomOfDropZone > (scrollY + scrollViewHeight - 100))
                mainScrollView.smoothScrollBy(0, 30);

            if (topOfDropZone < (scrollY + 100))
                mainScrollView.smoothScrollBy(0, -30);

    return true;

Hope this helps!


I used a timer in In C#

ScrollCalendar ScrollCalendar = new ScrollCalendar (yourScrollView);

Inside the drag event

    public bool OnDrag (View v, DragEvent e)
        var dragshadow = new EventDateDragShadow (v);
        switch (e.Action) {
        case DragAction.Started:
            return true;
        case DragAction.Entered:
        case Android.Views.DragAction.Location:

            if (e.GetY () < 90) {
                ScrollCalendar.StartScroll (-15);
            } else if (e.GetY () > yourScrollView.Height - 90) {
                ScrollCalendar.StartScroll (15);
            } else
                ScrollCalendar.StopScroll ();

            return (true);
        case DragAction.Exited:
            return true;
        case DragAction.Drop:
            return true;
        case DragAction.Ended:
            ScrollCalendar.StopScroll ();
            v.SetOnDragListener (null);
            return true;

        return true;

The ScrollCalendar class

public class ScrollCalendar
    private ScrollView Calendar;
    private System.Timers.Timer Timer;
    private int ScrollDistance;

    public ScrollCalendar(ScrollView calendar)
        Calendar = calendar;
        Timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
        Timer.Elapsed+=new ElapsedEventHandler(Scroll);
        Timer.Interval = 50;

    public void StartScroll(int scrollDistance)
        if (Timer.Enabled) {
        ScrollDistance = scrollDistance;
        Timer.Enabled = true;

    public void StopScroll()
        Timer.Enabled = false;

    private void Scroll(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
        Calendar.SmoothScrollBy (0, ScrollDistance);


Change the StartScroll value and the Timer.Interval to adjust the speed of the scroll.


I have modified answer of Tiago A. I faced the same problem and the solution from Tiago A was small and easy but have some limitation so if others require this may help. Thanks to Tiago A.

                    ScrollView myScrollView =findViewById(;
                    int topOfDropZone = myScrollView.getChildAt(0).getTop();
                    int bottomOfDropZone = myScrollView.getChildAt(0).getBottom();

                    int scrollY = myScrollView.getScrollY();
                    int scrollViewHeight = myScrollView.getMeasuredHeight();

                    if (Math.round(event.getY()) > scrollViewHeight - (scrollViewHeight / 45))
                        if (bottomOfDropZone > (scrollY + scrollViewHeight - 100))
                            myScrollView.smoothScrollBy(0, 30);

                    if (Math.round(event.getY()) < (scrollViewHeight / 45))
                        if (topOfDropZone < (scrollY + 100))
                            myScrollView.smoothScrollBy(0, -30);

                    return true;

