Cross-browser solution for displaying MJPEG stream

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-11-27 12:25:27

Here is a Java applet based solution that you can use for any browser (or just the ones that don't support MJPEG):

As far as other bugs go with MJPEG, I have found that you should set the 'src' attribute of the 'img' tag to something besides the MJPEG before you try to remove 'img' tag. Example:

<img src="#" />

If you don't do that, Firefox will continue to download MJPEG stream even though it shouldn't.

I've just came out with a solution a couple of months ago. It's cross-platform, and doesn't need third-party plugins such as Flash or Java.

Basically, it's a node.js proxy which parses m-jpeg boundaries and delivers images in a defined interval.

Fork it at
