Get if a user is in a specific alfresco site

随声附和 提交于 2020-01-07 03:01:45


I am working in a JavaEE project and i want simply see if a user is a member of an private Alfresco site using CMIS. I need to see if the user is a member of this (private,public) Site and his current situation in this site.


You cannot easily do this with CMIS alone. But you can use the SiteService because it has an isMember method. This would only work if your code is running in the same process as Alfresco (like in an action, behavior, or web script).

If you are running code in a separate process from Alfresco, consider writing a web script that would leverage the same method, then call your web script from your code using a rest client.

Alternatively, you could use the Site Members public REST API.

Resist the urge to use other "slingshot" REST URLs you might find unless they are explicitly marked as "public".

