Set the 'onClick' to call a client method when dynamically adding control in Code Behind

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-07 01:48:13


I am dynamically adding a RadioButtonList in the Code Behind. I want it so that the 'OnClick' does not call JavaScript, but instead it calls a method in my code behind.

Is this possible?

In addition, is there a way to set it up so that this say control has runat="server"?


Yes, it is possible. Also, there is no need to have runat="server" since your are creating the control in code.

You need to set your RadioButtonList object's OnSelectedIndexChanged event. As @Robert mentioned, if you are creating controls dynamically you need to wrap them in the Page_Init().

    protected void Page_Init(Object sender, EventArgs e) {
        RadioButtonList radiobuttonlist = new RadioButtonList();

        radiobuttonlist.SelectedIndexChanged += radiobuttonList_CheckedChanged;

        //Set the AutoPostBack to true proptery to that the user action
        // will immediately post-back to the server

        radiobuttonlist.AutoPostBack = true;

    private void radiobuttonList_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        //Code you want to execut when a user selects a different item



You can use the Button Click Event


Be sure to add the control in the Page_Init() portion of the code, not in Page_Load() or later. Set up the event handler += line inside the Page_Init() setup. The control should run server side if you do this. I'm not sure if runat="server" will be explicitly set but the control will behave that way.

