Javascript variable declared as code and reuse

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-01-06 06:51:46


I have a jquery enabled javascript app that has a variable that is declared as a substantial hunk of code.

var Listings = Spine.Controller.sub({
    TPL: Handlebars.compile( $( '#entry-template' ).html() ),
    events: //stuff
    init: function() //stuff

    //a whole bunch of functions

I want to pull this hunk of code into a separate file (as it is about 300 lines long) and load it with jquery. However more importantly, I want to be able to use this code for two variables without resorting to copy-pasting.


Change your code to this:

function giveMeAName() {
    return Spine.Controller.sub({
        // massive code here

Then you can include that file via jQuery as you would normally. After including, do this:

var Listings = giveMeAName();
var SomethingElse = giveMeAName();

You can also pass parameters, if the two uses of the code differ slightly.

