Equivalent of Peek in C# async sockets?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-01-06 01:57:48


I'm used to using synchronous sockets. In order to deal with messages that have not completely arrived yet, I'd set the first 4 bytes to be the expected length of the message. Then I'd use Socket.Receive(tcpRecv, 1024, SocketFlags.Peek); to take a look at the message without pulling it off the buffer. If all of it was there, I'd pull the data. If it wasn't, I'd leave it there. I had designed my protocol so that no message would ever be greater than 1024 bytes.

In asynchronous sockets, I don't see a way to peek at the data. Is there a way to do this? Is there a better approach to this than peeking at the data?




You don't need to peek: .NET asynchronous sockets allow you to achieve the same type of functionality without peeking. I think you might be looking for something like this:

private void BeginReceive()
    if ( _clientState == EClientState.Receiving)
        if (_asyncTask.BytesReceived != 0 && _asyncTask.TotalBytesReceived <= _maxPageSize)
            SocketAsyncEventArgs e = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
            e.SetBuffer(_asyncTask.ReceiveBuffer, 0, _asyncTask.ReceiveBuffer.Length);
            e.Completed += new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(ReceiveCallback);
            e.UserToken = _asyncTask.Host;

            bool comletedAsync = false;
                comletedAsync = _socket.ReceiveAsync(e);
            catch (SocketException se)
                Console.WriteLine("Error receiving data from: " + _asyncTask.Host);
                Console.WriteLine("SocketException: {0} Error Code: {1}", se.Message, se.NativeErrorCode);


            if (!comletedAsync)
                // The call completed synchronously so invoke the callback ourselves
                ReceiveCallback(this, e);
            //Console.WriteLine("Num bytes received: " + _asyncTask.TotalBytesReceived);

When you get the callback you can schedule another receive:

private void ReceiveCallback(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs args)
    lock (_sync) // re-entrant lock
        // Fast fail: should not be receiving data if the client
        // is not in a receiving state.
        if (_clientState == EClientState.Receiving)
            String host = (String)args.UserToken;

            if (_asyncTask.Host == host && args.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
                    Encoding encoding = Encoding.ASCII;
                    _asyncTask.BytesReceived = args.BytesTransferred;
                    _asyncTask.TotalBytesReceived += _asyncTask.BytesReceived;
                    _asyncTask.DocSource += encoding.GetString(_asyncTask.ReceiveBuffer, 0, _asyncTask.BytesReceived);

                catch (SocketException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error receiving data from: " + host);
                    Console.WriteLine("SocketException: {0} Error Code: {1}", e.Message, e.NativeErrorCode);

            else if (_asyncTask.Host != host)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: received a callback for {0}, but the client is currently working on {1}.",
                    host, _asyncTask.Host);
                Console.WriteLine("Socket Error: {0} when receiving from {1}",

You can see the entire asynchronous client on my blog: http://codesprout.blogspot.com/2011/04/asynchronous-http-client.html


Your same data flow works without peeking:

  • schedule a four byte read
  • when it completes, save it in the buffer and decode it into length "n"
  • schedule a read of length "n" - 4
  • when it completes, append it to the four bytes already there
  • decode your message

The only difference from peeking is that you have to save the four bytes when you initially read them.

