Copy consecutive frames from video

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-01-05 12:12:48


I'm trying to copy a part of a video, and save it as a GIF into the disk. The video can be local or remote, and the copy should be 2s max. I don't need to save every single frame, but every other frame (12-15 fps). I have the "frames to gif" part working, but the "get the frames" part is not great.

Here is what I tried so far:
- MediaMetadataRetriever: too slow (~1s per frame on a Nexus4), and only works with local files
- FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever: same latency, but works with remote video
- TextureView.getBitmap(): I'm using a ScheduledExecutorService and every 60ms, grab the Bitmap (while playing...) It works well with small size getBitmap(100, 100), but for bigger ones (> 400), the whole process becomes really slow. And as the doc says Do not invoke this method from a drawing method anyway.

It seems that the best solution would be to access every frame while decoding, and save them. I tried OpenCV for Android but couldn't find an API to grab a frame at a specific time.

Now, I'm looking into those samples to understand how to use MediaCodec, but while running, I can't seem to extract any frame ("no output from decoder available").

Am I on the right track? Any other suggestion?

edit: went further with, thanks for this post.

edit 2: just to clarify, what I'm trying to achieve here is to play a video, and press a button to start capturing the frames.

