Play 2 Java authenticate plugin - HTTP status code response instead of redirect

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-01-05 04:03:32


We are using Play 2 authenticate plugin for a REST API and I would like to simply return 200 or 403 for login attempts.

The plugin's code looks like this:

public static Result loginAndRedirect(final Context context,
        final AuthUser loginUser) {
    storeUser(context.session(), loginUser);
    return Controller.redirect(getJumpUrl(context));

Is there any way to avoid the redirect without forking the plugin project?


I ended up handling this at the controller:

public static Result login() {   
    Result r = MyUsernamePasswordAuthProvider.handleLogin(ctx());
    if (r instanceof Redirect && PlayAuthenticate.getUser(session()) != null) {
        return ok();
    return forbidden();

There might be better ways to do this though.


I just stumbled in the same scenario, and as nico_ekito pointed out, this can be achieved by extending PlayAuthenticate.Resolver and overriding:

    public Call afterAuth() {
        return routes.Application.restAfterAuth();

So you can return any route of your app.

