spring profile groups

百般思念 提交于 2020-01-04 15:58:27


I have an application, for which I can specify the profiles I want to run it on. but I also want to group these profiles into things like credentails, application performance, memory-print, application behaviour etc. Ex. I can run the following profiles


but I would prefer initializing it as

#the above activates method level caches, db connection pooling etc
#super-fast triggered activation of cached-local, db-connection-pooled profiles


#the above dosent enable caching, or db connection pooling

can this be achieved without writing any custom code like How to set active spring 3.1 environment profile via a properites file and not via an env variable or system property. I am fine even if I can load these from properties files or inside spring-xml config. I am using xml only config on spring 3.1.


I don't know of any way to achieve this without custom code which would manipulate the active profiles in a ConfigurableEnvironment.

We're trying to achieve the same indirection pattern as rights vs. roles (group of rights) in a security framework, but since this doesn't come out of the box, I ended up having to work around it.

I kept my profiles general, e.g. production and super-fast in your case, and for each bean that is sensitive to those profiles, I set the correct @Profile. To make refactoring easier, I used two techniques.

  1. Create a meta-annotation for each profile, e.g. @Production, @SuperFast and make the profile name a public constant, e.g. Production.PROFILE_NAME = "production".
  2. When marking the profile of any bean, use your new meta-annotation if it only applies to one profile, or use @Profile({Production.PROFILE_NAME, ...}) if it applies to multiple profiles. You have to do this because you can't apply two profile meta-annotations to the same bean, at least not until 4.0.

For example,

public @interface Production {

    public static String PROFILE_NAME = "production";

The point of all this is that you can now use your IDE to look for usages of @Production or Production.PROFILE_NAME if you need to quickly understand or change what beans are being pulled in.

