How to define a pair type in Idris that only holds certain combinations of values

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-04 09:59:30


I'm trying to learn about dependent types in Idris by attempting something way out of my depth. Please bear with me if I make any silly mistakes.

Given the simple type

data Letter = A | B | C | D

I would like to define a type LPair that holds a pair of Letter such that only "neighboring" letters can be paired. For example, B can be paired with A or C, but not D or itself. It wraps around, so A and D are treated as neighbors.

In practice, given x : Letter and y : Letter, mklpair x y would be equivalent to mklpair y x, but I'm not sure if that property can or should be reflected in the type.

What is the best way to go about making such a type?


The most straightforward way is to create a subset of (Letter, Letter) which elements fulfill the predicate (a, b : Letter) -> Either (Next a b) (Next b a), where Next is are just the neighbors to the right:

data Letter = A | B | C | D

data Next : Letter -> Letter -> Type where
  AB : Next A B
  BC : Next B C
  CD : Next C D
  DA : Next D A

Neighbour : Letter -> Letter -> Type
Neighbour a b = Either (Next a b) (Next b a)

LPair : Type
LPair = (p : (Letter, Letter) ** Neighbour (fst p) (snd p))

mklpair : (a : Letter) -> (b : Letter) -> {auto prf : Neighbour a b} -> LPair
mklpair a b {prf} = ((a, b) ** prf)

N.B.: This approach is nice and simple, but once you implement a function that decides if a and b are next to each other, you'll need around (number of letters)^3 cases:

isNext : (a : Letter) -> (b : Letter) -> Dec (Next a b)
isNext A A = No nAA where
  nAA : Next A A -> Void
  nAA AB impossible
  nAA BC impossible
  nAA CD impossible
  nAA DA impossible
isNext A B = Yes AB

If you have a lot of letters and need a decision function, the usual approach is thus to map your data to a recursive type like Nat. Because of your modulo case (Next D A), you'd need a wrapper like:

data NextN : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type where
  NextS : {auto prf :      (S a) `LTE` m}  -> NextN m a (S a) -- succ in mod m
  NextZ : {auto prf : Not ((S a) `LTE` m)} -> NextN m a Z     -- wrap around

LToN : Letter -> Nat
LToN A = 0
LToN B = 1
LToN C = 2
LToN D = 3

LNeighbour : Letter -> Letter -> Type
LNeighbour x y =
  let a = LToN x
      b = LToN y
  in Either (NextN 3 a b) (NextN 3 b a)

LNPair : Type
LNPair = (p : (Letter, Letter) ** LNeighbour (fst p) (snd p))

mklnpair : (a : Letter) -> (b : Letter) -> {auto prf : LNeighbour a b} -> LNPair
mklnpair a b {prf} = ((a, b) ** prf)

With NextS and NextZ you only have two cases you need to inspect instead one for each letter.


What you need is a proof that the letters are neighbouring. So with your definition of neighbours:

data Letter = A | B | C | D

neighbours : Letter -> Letter -> Bool
neighbours A B = True
neighbours B A = True
neighbours B C = True
neighbours C B = True
neighbours C D = True
neighbours D A = True
neighbours A D = True
neighbours _ _ = False

data LPair : Type where
  MkLPair : (x : Letter) -> (y : Letter) -> {auto prf : neighbours x y = True} -> LPair

The {} make the prf argument implicit, while the auto tells Idris to figure it out.

