VBA Excel Copy Clipboard data to array

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-01-03 06:02:11


I am working in a project where i have to to copy some text from a web page using Crt A + Crt C then i want to use this Data in Excel the copyed text is about 100 lines with defrent sizes let say on line has a string of 200 chart and the next one has 500 chart . And the 3rd maybe 20 Is there a way to loop over the clipboard Data line and copy them to an array ?

i add the sample of the copied (Making Crt A Crt C in the page ) text:

Note : I removed some Lines

Web Insights
Print View
Start Over
1Select Chart Type
Apply Filters
2Choose a Timeframe
Custom: 9/1/2015 12:00:00 AM - 9/30/2015 12:00:00 AM
3Select Filters
Add Filter
2.4 TB
2.0 TB
879.9 GB
656.8 GB
472.0 GB
442.4 GB
242.1 GB
213.5 GB
189.3 GB
103.8 GB
Office 365 - SSL Bypass
Professional Services
Streaming Media
Sites everyone
Internet Services
Corporate Marketing
Web Search
News and Media
Social Networking
URL CategoryTop 10TransactionsBytes


To follow up on my comment, if you follow the instructions from here add a reference to Microsoft Forms Library 2.0 (under Tools/References in the VBA editor), the following function takes the contents of the clipboard and splits it into lines:

Function ClipToArray() As Variant
    Dim clip As New MSForms.DataObject
    Dim lines As String
    lines = clip.GetText
    lines = Replace(lines, vbCr, "")
    ClipToArray = Split(lines, vbLf)
End Function

You can test it like this:

Sub test()
    Dim A As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    A = ClipToArray()
    For i = LBound(A) To UBound(A)
        Debug.Print A(i)
    Next i
End Sub

Then I went to this website and copied the poem and then ran test. I got the following output in the immediate window:

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice. 

This worked nicely enough, although you don't have to run many experiments with text copied from the internet before you see that the superficial parsing using split leaves much to be desired.


I made this for those who want to extract 2D information from a copied range.

'Display the content of the clipboard
Sub test()
    Dim A As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    A = ClipToArray()
    For i = LBound(A, 1) To UBound(A, 1)
        tmp = ""
        For j = LBound(A, 2) To UBound(A, 2)
            tmp = tmp & A(i, j) & "  |  "
        Debug.Print tmp
End Sub

'Made by LePatay on 2018/12/07
'Extract a 2D array from a copied 2D range
Function ClipToArray()
    'Include Tools -> References -> Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
    'or you will get a "Compile error: user-defined type not defined"
    Dim dataobj As New MSForms.DataObject
    Dim array2Dfitted As Variant
    Dim cbString As String
    'Special characters
    quote = """"
    tabkey = vbTab
    CarrReturn = vbCr
    LineFeed = vbLf
    'Get the string stored in the clipboard
    On Error GoTo TheEnd
    cbString = dataobj.GetText
    On Error GoTo 0
    'Note: inside a cell, you only find "vbLf";
    'at the end of each row, you find "vbCrLf", which is actually "vbCr & vbLf".
    cbString = Replace(cbString, vbCrLf, CarrReturn)
    'Length of the string
    nbChar = Len(cbString)
    'Get the number of rows
    nbRows = Application.Max(1, nbChar - Len(Replace(cbString, CarrReturn, "")))
    'Get the maximum number of columns possible
    nbColumnsMax = nbChar - Len(Replace(cbString, tabkey, "")) + 1
    'Initialise a 2D array
    Dim array2D As Variant
    ReDim array2D(1 To nbRows, 1 To nbColumnsMax)
    'Initial position in array2D (1st cell)
    curRow = 1
    curColumn = 1
    'Initialise the actual number of columns
    nbColumns = curColumn
    'Initialise the previous character
    prevChar = ""
    'Browse the string
    For i = 1 To nbChar
        'Boolean "copy the character"
        bCopy = True
        'Boolean "reinitialise the previous character"
        bResetPrev = False
        'For each character
        curChar = Mid(cbString, i, 1)
        Select Case curChar
            'If it's a quote
            Case quote:
                'If the previous character is a quote
                If prevChar = quote Then
                    'Indicates that the previous character must be reinitialised
                    '(in case of a succession of quotes)
                    bResetPrev = True
                    'Indicates the character must not be copied
                    bCopy = False
                End If
            'If it's a tab
            Case tabkey:
                'Indicates the character must not be copied
                bCopy = False
                'Skip to the next column
                curColumn = curColumn + 1
                'Updates the actual number of columns
                nbColumns = Application.Max(curColumn, nbColumns)
            'If it's a carriage return
            Case CarrReturn:
                'Indicates the character must not be copied
                bCopy = False
                'If it's not the 1st character
                If i > 1 Then
                    'Skip to the next row
                    curRow = curRow + 1
                    curColumn = 1
                End If
        End Select
        'If the character must be copied
        If bCopy Then
            'Adds the character to the current cell
            array2D(curRow, curColumn) = array2D(curRow, curColumn) & curChar
        End If
        'If the previous character must be reinitialised
        If bResetPrev Then
            prevChar = ""
            'Saves the character
            prevChar = curChar
        End If
    'Create a 2D array with the correct dimensions
    ReDim array2Dfitted(1 To nbRows, 1 To nbColumns)
    'Copies the data from the big array to the fitted one (no useless columns)
    For r = 1 To nbRows
        For c = 1 To nbColumns
            array2Dfitted(r, c) = array2D(r, c)
    ClipToArray = array2Dfitted
End Function


  • There is no way to tell if cells are merged).
  • This code is robust to quotes, successions of quotes, and multiple lines inside a cell.
  • It has been tested on a French Excel, Win 7 64 bit. The system of quotes / carriage returns / line feeds may differ on your OS.

