Visualize.js authentication error after second login

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-02 08:11:41


I have a website—utilizing Visualize.js—that has a simple login/logout feature. Everytime I login I call the authenicateUser() function and logout destroySession(). When I try login and then logout and then login again, when I try to render my existing reports I get this thrown error:

HTTP Status 401 - Full authentication is required to access this resource

The functions authenicateUser() and destroySession() are shown below:

function authenticateUser () {
    var myConfig = {
        auth : {
            name     : "superuser",
            password : "superuser"
    visualize.config( myConfig );

function destroySession() {
    visualize( function ( v ) {
        // Logout form JRS and finish the session.
        v.logout().done( function () {
        } );
    } )

I would like to point out that when I first login my account this error is not thrown and renders the reports perfectly.

Why is this happening after logout and then login again?


This seemed to have worked for me. So I called visualize.config( config ) first so that I can store common configuration, to share them between visualize calls and then called the login method so that I can perform authentification with provided auth object. My reference:

        visualize.config( config );
        visualize( function ( v ) {
            v.login( config );
        } );

This solution was not in their documentation though, but I put them piece by piece to finally solve the problem.


The documentation contained solution to this problem although it is not very explicit. See sample code and sample link from documentation link

  auth: {
      name: "superuser",
      password: "superuser"

Share common config between 'visualize' calls

Just a note: Actually when you login you need to logout at some appropriate event. This depends on your application requirement e.g. if you are embedding reports within an existing web application, it seems more appropriate to link it existing application login/lougut

