Difference between git filter branch and git subtree?

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-01-01 08:48:12


Was searching throw SO for an answer to this. Came across this older thread which didn't seem to give any answers. Retriggering this thread hoping someone may know!

Can someone tell me the difference b/w git subtree and git filter-branch? I'll use the same example in the original question for this:

git subtree split --prefix=some_subdir -b some_branch

git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter some_subdir some_branch


Yes, git subtree (a contrib shell) can be used to split repos, as described in "Using Git subtrees for repository separation" by Stu Campbell.

You need to remove the code that you have duplicated in your split folder though:

git subtree split --prefix=path/to/code -b split
git push ~/shared/ split:master
git rm -r path/to/code
git commit -am "Remove split code."

That differs from git filter-branch (a native Git command) which rewrites the repo history picking up only those commits that actually affect the content of a specific subdirectory.

Meaning: there is no code to git rm once the filter-branch has been run.
git filter-branch does not duplicate commits like git subtree split does: it deletes ("filters out") everything that does not match a certain criteria (here a subfolder path)

