What does the colon mean in this JavaScript snippet (not an object literal)?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-31 04:13:08


I apologize for posting a duplicate-looking question, (I know, that there is a bunch of similar titled questions here), but none of the questions already present seems to suit my case.

In short, what does the colon do here:

  'use strict';
  foo: 1;

  //whatever else

I supposed this to be a syntax error, but it's not. And it's not a label, I think, since adding a line break foo; throws Uncaught SyntaxError: Undefined label 'foo' (though a doc page suggests exactly this, that it's a label).

I suppose this is some recent addition to the JavaScript syntax, since I have never heard of such use of the colon.

If anyone wonders, why I'm asking this, this is my explanation: I was reading an MDN doc page and there is an example:

var func = () => { foo: 1 };               
// Calling func() returns undefined!

It shows, that the curly braces in this case are treated as block delimiters and not an object literal. So I supposed, that somehow foo: 1 on its own must be syntactically legal. And indeed it is.

There is a question, which is supposed to cover every use of the colon in JavaScript, but it doesn't mention this, and no answer there does this either.


If you'd have read further down the page you linked, you would see why it was written like that.

var func = () => { foo: 1 };

This is an attempt to return an object from a arrow function.

That doesn't work for reasons explained here:

This is because the code inside braces ({}) is parsed as a sequence of statements (i.e. foo is treated like a label, not a key in an object literal). (source)

So the returned value needs to be wrapped in parentheses:

var func = () => ({foo: 1});

To actually answer your question:

It's a label.

You can't just take the foo: 1 out of context like that.

