view parameters passed to JavaScript function in Chrome

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-30 10:03:46


I'm using Timeline in Chrome Developer Tools to help write a userscript. The timeline shows which functions are called, but not what values are actually passed to the parameters:

Is there a way to view the actual function that was run, including its values? I'm looking for any solution that will help me do this, even outside of Chrome.


Open Sources tab at DevTools, select Snippets tab at left, right-click and select New, place text of function in middle window, return arguments from defined function, select text of function in middle window, right-click and select Add to Watch . At right window at Watch Expressions selected named function should be listed on left followed by how function is called, e.g., fn("abc", "def") followed by : Arguments[n] indicating and listing arguments passed to function where n is number of arguments passed; e.g., Arguments[2] for fn("abc", "def")

