Invalid configuration file

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-25 18:38:40


I wanna install this theme theme but I get "Invalid configuration file"


Prestashop themes for import/autoinstallation should be packed by another way, zip file must contain: themes/your-theme-folder/ and Config.xml file where described which modules have to be enabled/disbaled etc.

In your case solution is:

  1. Unpack zip into shop /themes/ folder.
  2. In backoffice Preferences -> Themes at the bottom Create new theme, set theme name and name of folder that was unpacked from zip in your case there will be bikecycle_theme.
  3. Then follow next steps, you can ignore modules stage for now etc.

As result, after you will press "Finish" button, new theme will be installed.

