SSRS 2008 R2 Check if external image exists on report server

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-25 09:42:24


I'm working on an SSRS 2008 R2 report and I'm displaying images dynamically. I would like to hide the image box and display an icon with text that reads "Image not found" if the image doesn't exist on our report server.

I've tried a few things with expressions, but I can't get them to correctly return true or false, based on if the image exists or not.

The expression I'm using to display the image is:

="/BusinessIntelligence/Drilldown Reports/" + Fields!item.Value + ".jpg"

To test if I could get the report to detect whether the image existed, I dragged a textbox onto my report and tried the following expressions in an attempt to return True or False.

=IIf(IsNothing("/BusinessIntelligence/Drilldown Reports/" + Fields!item.Value + ".jpg"), "Woohoo!", "Do'h!") this always returns False, even if the image exists.

I even tried using some custom code I found here.


Function IsValid(ByVal Url As String) As Boolean 
Dim sStream As IO.Stream 
Dim URLReq As Net.HttpWebRequest 
Dim URLRes As Net.HttpWebResponse 
URLReq = Net.WebRequest.Create(Url) 
URLReq.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials 
URLRes = URLReq.GetResponse() 
sStream = URLRes.GetResponseStream() 
Dim reader As String = New IO.StreamReader(sStream).ReadToEnd() 
Return True 
Catch ex As Exception 
Return False 
End Try 
End Function

And the expression I used for that code is:

=IIf(Code.IsValid("/BusinessIntelligence/Drilldown Reports/" + Fields!item.Value + ".jpg"), "Woohoo!", "Do'h!")

But this also always just returns false.


ok, I needed this thanks.

Your error here is you are using a reserve word for a webpage IsValue. Change your function name to IsThere and it should work famously.

