Provide AoS access to SoA

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-25 08:31:24


I have data laid out in memory in a Structure of Arrays (SoA) or Sturcture of Pointers (SoP) form, and have a way to access that data as though it were laid out in Array of Structure (AoS) form -- code given below.

However, I am not too happy about use of struct AoS_4_SoP -- although this struct appears to use templates, it is not really generic since, for example, foo and bar are hard-coded inside it.

Two questions/requests:

1) For read-write performance, is AoS access provided as good as the direct SoA access?

2) What would a more generic scheme be? (I have seen quamrana's code here, but it hasn't helped.)

struct  SoP{      // Structure of Pointers
   int    *foo{ nullptr };
   double *bar{ nullptr };
   SoP( int *xi, double *xd ):foo(xi), bar(xd){};

struct SoR{       // Structure of References
   int    &foo;
   double &bar;
   SoR( int &xi, double &xd ):foo(xi), bar(xd){};

template< typename T,  typename S >
struct AoS_4_SoP {
    AoS_4_SoP( T *x ) : p( x ){};
    T    *p;

          S  operator[](std::size_t idx) const { return { p->foo[idx], p->bar[idx] }; }
    const S  operator[](std::size_t idx) const { return { p->foo[idx], p->bar[idx] }; }

Here's a main() showing the use of the above:

int main()
    std::vector< int    > ibuf{ 11, 22, 33, 44 };
    std::vector< double > dbuf{ 0.11, 0.22, 0.33, 0.44 };;

    SoP  x_sop(, );  = 333;
    std::cout << "Access via SoP syntax:\n      "
              << "        "
              <<[2] << std::endl;

    AoS_4_SoP<SoP, SoR> xacc( &x_sop );

    std::cout << "Access via AoS syntax:\n      "
              << xacc[2].foo
              << "        "
              << xacc[2].bar << std::endl;

    // show write access via SoA syntax   = 3333; 2 ) = 0.333333;  // will get overwritten below
    xacc[2].bar = 0.3333;

    std::cout << "Values written via SoP, read via SoP:\n      "
              << "       "
              <<[2] << std::endl;

    // show write access via AoS syntax
    xacc[2].foo = 333333; 2 ) = 0.3333333333;  // will get overwritten below
    xacc[2].bar = 0.333333;

    std::cout << "Values written via AoS, read via AoS:\n      "
              << xacc[2].foo
              << "     "
              << xacc[2].bar << std::endl;

Above code can be compiled via:

// x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe -D_WIN64 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -std=c++11 -O3 -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -o aossoa.exe

and results in the following output:

Access via SoP syntax:
      333        0.33
Access via AoS syntax:
      333        0.33
Values written via SoP, read via SoP:
      3333       0.3333
Values written via AoS, read via AoS:
      333333     0.333333


I think this template will work.

template<class T, class U, class D, class S>
struct Accessor {
    T* p;
    U* (T::*pFirst);
    D* (T::*pSecond);
    S operator[](size_t index) {
        return {(p->*pFirst)[index], (p->*pSecond)[index]};
    Accessor(T* p_, U * (T::*pF), D * (T::*pS)): p(p_), pFirst(pF), pSecond(pS) {}

void main() {
    std::vector< int    > ibuf{ 11, 22, 33, 44 };
    std::vector< double > dbuf{ 0.11, 0.22, 0.33, 0.44 };;

    SoP  x_sop(,;

    Accessor<SoP, int, double, SoR> aos(&x_sop, &SoP::foo, &SoP::bar);


Now the template Accessor knows nothing about the names of the members of T.

At least it compiles under VS2015


Here's my adaptation of quamrana's solution for the "inverse" use case (SoA access for AoS):

template<class T, class S, class M0, class M1>
struct Accessor2{
    T*  p;
    M0  m0;
    M1  m1;

          S operator[](std::size_t idx)       { return { m0[idx], m1[idx] }; }
    const S operator[](std::size_t idx) const { return { m0[idx], m1[idx] }; }

    Accessor2(T* x, M0 p0, M1 p1): p(x), m0(p0), m1(p1){}

template< typename T,  typename S >
struct AoS_4_SoP : public Accessor2<T, S, decltype(T::foo), decltype(T::bar)>
    AoS_4_SoP(T *x) : Accessor2<T, S, decltype(T::foo), decltype(T::bar)>
                      (x, x->foo, x->bar ){}
    AoS_4_SoP(T *x):Accessor2(x, x->foo, x->bar ){}

Regarding the #ifndef COMPILER_CAN_INFER_PARENT_CLASS_TEMPLATE_SPECIFICATION, the compiler I am using viz, g++ 6.2.0 (x86_64_6.2.0_posix_seh_rt_v5_rev1/mingw64/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe) is unable to infer the parent class' template specification. But, as Lightness Races in Orbit says on this page: the base's injected-class-name ought to be sufficient information for the compiler.

