read child nodes xml

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-25 07:37:33


Here is my xml which i am trying to read.

<VacancyList xmlns="urn:abc" xmlns:xsi="" generated="2016-04-20T11:42:47" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <Vacancy id="1619993" date_start="2016-04-15" date_end="2016-04-22" reference_number="">
       <Version language="nb">
         <Title>Marketing Specialist</Title>
            <County id="11">sds</County>
            <County id="1">zxzx</County>
           <Item type="position-type" id="3909">sER</Item>
           <Item type="duration" id="contract">ss</Item>
           <Item type="extent" id="fulltime">sd</Item>
           <Item type="operating-time" id="day">s</Item>



I want to read node location so wrote below code

XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNamespaceManager ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(xd.NameTable);
        ns.AddNamespace("msbld", "urn:abc");

        XmlNodeList nodelist = xd.SelectNodes("//msbld:VacancyList", ns);

        if (nodelist != null)
            foreach (XmlNode node in nodelist)
                XmlNode nodelist1 = node.SelectSingleNode("Vacancy");
                if (nodelist1 != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode node1 in nodelist1)
                       var k = node1.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Location").Value;


But i dont get anything in variable "node1". How to fix this?

Also is there any better solution for this?


i modified code but i only get node Title. cant get others inside Version node like Location.

if (nodelist != null)
            foreach (XmlNode node in nodelist)
                XmlNode nodelist1 = node.SelectSingleNode("//msbld:Vacancy/msbld:Versions",ns);
                if (nodelist1 != null) { 
                    XmlNode nodelist2 = nodelist1.SelectSingleNode("//msbld:Version", ns);
                    foreach (XmlNode node3Node in nodelist2)
                        var k = node3Node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Location").Value;



xmlns="urn:abc" is a default namespace. Notice that descendant elements without prefix inherits ancestor's default namespace implicitly. You need to use the same prefix that references default namespace URI for acessing Vacancy and Location as well :

XmlNode nodelist1 = node.SelectSingleNode("msbld:Vacancy", ns);

Your updated code introduces an entirely different problem; / at the beginning of a path expression will always reference document element, unless you explicitly set the context to current active context by using . before /, for example :

XmlNode nodelist1 = node.SelectSingleNode(".//msbld:Vacancy/msbld:Versions",ns);


If you only need the Location element then you can do it like this:

var doc = XElement.Load("path/to/file");
var location = doc.Descendants
    .FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name.LocalName == "Location"));

