How to test if a feature is installed in a karaf console script?

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-25 06:38:34


I need to write a karaf console script that uninstalls a feature, if it is present on karaf 3.0.4.

So far I have not found any direct references mentionend in the documentation ( Using shell:env ? always returns null as the value and I'm not sure if ? is a supported environment variable name in karaf.

So how can execute a karaf command if a feature is present?


It is not possible to test if a feature is installed in a karaf console script in version 3.0.4. This is because the commands for scope feature do not return anything to the console (see the source code).

The workaround is to deploy another command to karaf that returns a boolean to the console and use this in a script.

