
Vim: wrap long :make lines in message dialog?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-02-19 06:23:06
问题 When executing a :make command that displays its content in a temporary vim buffer, is there any way to have these lines soft-wrapped at the edge of the terminal? Most console hosts do not have side scrolling and any long lines that come out of :make are completely truncated in vim (i.e. expanding the terminal width after-the-fact does not recover them). I'm not able to interact with the buffer containing the :make results in any meaningful way ( :set wrap or zl ) that would allow me to

Can I prevent the user of my program to resize the console window? (in C) [duplicate]

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-02-19 04:45:52
问题 This question already has an answer here : How to change console window style at runtime? (1 answer) Closed 3 years ago . So I was searching (a lot) and haven't find anything on how to prevent user from resizing my program's console window. I had found information for language C++ and C# but not for C . I already managed to set the size of the console but if the user changes it afterwards it is not good for my program's looking. Is there anything I can do to perfectly resize the console and

Is Chrome's JavaScript console lazy about evaluating arrays?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2021-02-19 03:21:12
问题 I'll start with the code: var s = ["hi"]; console.log(s); s[0] = "bye"; console.log(s); Simple, right? In response to this, Firebug says: ["hi"] ["bye"] Wonderful, but Chrome's JavaScript console (7.0.517.41 beta) says: ["bye"] ["bye"] Have I done something wrong, or is Chrome's JavaScript console being exceptionally lazy about evaluating my array? 回答1: Thanks for the comment, tec. I was able to find an existing unconfirmed Webkit bug that explains this issue:

ConsoleZ maven color output

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-19 03:12:23
问题 Recent maven versions do colored output in terminal. Git Bash shows correct colors, but ConsoleZ configured to use git bash does not. It just outputs raw color codes. Does anyone know how to fix it $ mvn clean [←[1;34mINFO←[m] Scanning for projects... [←[1;34mINFO←[m] 回答1: I met the same issue in Window10 with Git Bash in both Console2 and ConsoleZ (try different configuration but it does not work). After a lot of attempt, I decided to give a try to ConEmu. Amazing, it works perfect. I can

ConsoleZ maven color output

三世轮回 提交于 2021-02-19 03:07:10
问题 Recent maven versions do colored output in terminal. Git Bash shows correct colors, but ConsoleZ configured to use git bash does not. It just outputs raw color codes. Does anyone know how to fix it $ mvn clean [←[1;34mINFO←[m] Scanning for projects... [←[1;34mINFO←[m] 回答1: I met the same issue in Window10 with Git Bash in both Console2 and ConsoleZ (try different configuration but it does not work). After a lot of attempt, I decided to give a try to ConEmu. Amazing, it works perfect. I can

Change entire console background color (Win32 C++)

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-18 21:11:50
问题 How can I change the entire console's background color? I've tried SetConsoleTextAttribute and it only changes the background color of new text. I effectively want the entire console to turn red when a serious error arises. Thanks to everyone who attempts to help. 回答1: Try something like: system("color c2"); 回答2: I think the FillConsoleOutputAttribute function will do what you need. Set it to the starting coordinate of the console, and set nLength to the number of characters in the console (

Change entire console background color (Win32 C++)

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-18 21:11:18
问题 How can I change the entire console's background color? I've tried SetConsoleTextAttribute and it only changes the background color of new text. I effectively want the entire console to turn red when a serious error arises. Thanks to everyone who attempts to help. 回答1: Try something like: system("color c2"); 回答2: I think the FillConsoleOutputAttribute function will do what you need. Set it to the starting coordinate of the console, and set nLength to the number of characters in the console (

Change entire console background color (Win32 C++)

戏子无情 提交于 2021-02-18 21:10:03
问题 How can I change the entire console's background color? I've tried SetConsoleTextAttribute and it only changes the background color of new text. I effectively want the entire console to turn red when a serious error arises. Thanks to everyone who attempts to help. 回答1: Try something like: system("color c2"); 回答2: I think the FillConsoleOutputAttribute function will do what you need. Set it to the starting coordinate of the console, and set nLength to the number of characters in the console (

Change entire console background color (Win32 C++)

心已入冬 提交于 2021-02-18 21:09:40
问题 How can I change the entire console's background color? I've tried SetConsoleTextAttribute and it only changes the background color of new text. I effectively want the entire console to turn red when a serious error arises. Thanks to everyone who attempts to help. 回答1: Try something like: system("color c2"); 回答2: I think the FillConsoleOutputAttribute function will do what you need. Set it to the starting coordinate of the console, and set nLength to the number of characters in the console (

AddFontResource + SetCurrentConsoleFontEx are not changing a console font

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-02-18 17:53:28
问题 I'm trying to change a console font to a custom one, but this specific code piece doesn't seem to acomplish anything, even though this is what I came up while trying to find a solution around the Internet. I tested just the SetCurrentConsoleFontEx with this custom font by installing and adding it to the console with regestry by hand, and it's been functioning properly. #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> int main() { std::cout << "Default font" << std::endl; system("pause"); HANDLE m