Tainted Canvas, due to CORS and SVG?

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-11-27 09:35:55


Missed that you're using a SVG file. If the SVG file contains any references to external sources (CSS, objects, images etc.) it won't work. Everything in the SVG must be inlined. Or else you will have the same situation as using external resources directly but as they are encapsulated in a SVG the browser is more strict so you cannot use CORS in these cases.

This is a security feature of the browser and you can't change much about it but to make sure all resources needed for the SVG are embedded.

As pointed out. SVG images can taint the canvas. Even sometime (Like in my case) when the SVG file has no external resources.

But i found one solution so the features of the SVG format could still be used without tainting the canvas.

It's possible with canvg (http://code.google.com/p/canvg/). That script also claims to be able to get the SVG using CORS aswell (I havn't tested that yet though)

Hope this helps someone!

code example

//...prev code
canvg(document.getElementById('collider'), media['test']);

var pixelData = document.getElementById("collider").getContext('2d').getImageData(50, 50, 20, 20).data;