
Tainted Canvas, due to CORS and SVG?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-28 03:10:14
问题 Iknow this has been asked often before, but after 3days trying to fix this i clearly need help. I've had a problem for a while now. I been trying to do something like this (This is a simplified code): var media = Array(); $(document).ready(function(){ img = new Image(); img.crossOrigin = "*"; img.src = "http://domain.com/pics/picture.svg"; img.width = 200; img.height = 300; img.onload = function(){ media['test'] = img; ///var layer = img; $.jCanvas({ fromCenter: false }); $("#collider")

What exactly is a canvas path, and what is the use of ctx.closePath()?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-17 15:30:32
问题 I'm working on an HTML5 game. I need to draw tail lines in the canvas and check for intersections in the game, which is a Tron-style game. I'm actually using the drawLine() function from JCanvas, but JCanvas did not provide me a way to check for line intersection, I digged in the source and found the use the ctx object, and at the end of the function I'm using, I returned the object so I can use the ctx.isPointInPath() method to achieve what I need, but is not working, is returning false

Detecting Regions Described by Lines on HTML5 Canvas

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-02 18:21:07
问题 Start with a 2d grid on an HTML5 canvas. The user creates lines by plotting points - up to 5 lines. Next, the user can select another arbitrary point on the grid, and the region is highlighted. I need to take that point and define a polygon to fill the region described by the lines created by the user. So my thought is, I need to detect the lines and canvas edges that surround the arbitrary point, and then draw a polygon. Here is an image to help understand what I mean (where the system is

Detecting Regions Described by Lines on HTML5 Canvas

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-02 10:16:26
Start with a 2d grid on an HTML5 canvas. The user creates lines by plotting points - up to 5 lines. Next, the user can select another arbitrary point on the grid, and the region is highlighted. I need to take that point and define a polygon to fill the region described by the lines created by the user. So my thought is, I need to detect the lines and canvas edges that surround the arbitrary point, and then draw a polygon. Here is an image to help understand what I mean (where the system is functioning with two lines): All the state is managed by using jCanvas and custom Javascript. Thanks! Wow

What exactly is a canvas path, and what is the use of ctx.closePath()?

寵の児 提交于 2019-11-27 18:22:58
I'm working on an HTML5 game. I need to draw tail lines in the canvas and check for intersections in the game, which is a Tron-style game. I'm actually using the drawLine() function from JCanvas , but JCanvas did not provide me a way to check for line intersection, I digged in the source and found the use the ctx object, and at the end of the function I'm using, I returned the object so I can use the ctx.isPointInPath() method to achieve what I need, but is not working, is returning false everytime... I really don't understand what a path is - will ctx.isPointInPath() return true just for the

Tainted Canvas, due to CORS and SVG?

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-11-27 09:35:55
Iknow this has been asked often before, but after 3days trying to fix this i clearly need help. I've had a problem for a while now. I been trying to do something like this (This is a simplified code): var media = Array(); $(document).ready(function(){ img = new Image(); img.crossOrigin = "*"; img.src = "http://domain.com/pics/picture.svg"; img.width = 200; img.height = 300; img.onload = function(){ media['test'] = img; ///var layer = img; $.jCanvas({ fromCenter: false }); $("#collider").drawImage({ source: media['test'], width: 200, height: 300, x: 0, y: 0, click: function(layer){ alert(layer


跟風遠走 提交于 2019-11-27 03:40:00
今天部署了一个旅游线路营销管理系统的演示版: 演示地址: http://lvyou.jfinalxueyuan.com 演示账号:(暂时只给一个门店版的吧,批发商和总部的如果需要 演示看看 单独联系我微信:18766735632) 门店版:账号:6666 密码:123456 请不要给我修改和删除数据哈 手机网店请扫码查看: 视频介绍: https://v.qq.com/x/page/k0861hf6kj8.html 系统简介: 18年初上线了一套旅游营销管理系统,目前给几个合作客户内测试用,是基于JFinal研发的一套旅游行业旅游线路批发零售系统(SAAS)版。 概念认知: 线路批发商: 开发旅游线路产品,向同业零售商出售,一般不直接面对直客,需要此系统,对开发的线路进行信息化。 门店/门市/旅行社/代理: 在系统里统一为门店,不开发产品,向直客出售其他批发商的产品,赚取佣金 门店 基本就是做旅游产品零售的,主要就是面向大众接待旅客,销售旅游产品。也可以自己组织一些线路,租车导游什么的。 批发商 一般负责设计旅游产品,开发旅游线路,设计好之后进行宣传推广,并且通过很多好的门店出售产品。 总的来说就是门店从批发商手里买旅游产品,卖给看到旅游产品的游客,并组织游客执行旅游过程。 本系统目前支持辅助线路设计信息化,搭建H5线路营销网店,接收游客线路产品预订,辅助导游做出团通知书