DBGrid stop current Row moving

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-25 03:48:23


Using d5, TDBGrid, SQLite3 and ZEOS. Database has 2000 items, one Column is an "Active" as Boolean, a second Column is "ItemName" as Text, and IndexFiledNames is "ItemName'

OnDblclick toggles "Active" On/Off and all works as expected for the Data. Active changes from True to False and back again.

But, if I double-click on the last visible Row of the DBGrid, to toggle the Active state -- after the toggle, the DBGrid moves that item Row to the vertical center Row-position of the grid. This is very confusing to a user with the Row they just double-clicked jumping around.

How can I stop the grid from moving that Row to the middle? This happens with all items that are on the last visible Row of the DGBGrid.

{EDIT} The remmed out items are attempts at reducing the issue - didn't work.

procedure TfrmMain.dbgridItemsDblClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TfrmMain.puItemsSelectedClick(Sender: TObject);
//  CurrItem : String;
//  CurrIndx : String;
  if dm.tblItems.RecordCount = 0 then
    myShowMsg('There are no Items in the Items List');
//  CurrItem:=dm.tblItems.FieldByName(fldItemGroupShop).AsString;
//  CurrIndx:=dm.tblItems.IndexFieldNames;
//    dm.tblItems.IndexFieldNames:='';
//    dm.tblItems.IndexFieldNames:=CurrIndx;
//    dm.tblItems.Locate(fldItemGroupShop,CurrItem,[]);


The current row number and number of display rows of a DBGrid are protected properties, so you need a "class cracker" type declaration in your code, like so:

  TMyDBGrid = Class(TDBGrid);

function TForm1.GetGridRow: Integer;
  Result := TmyDBGrid(DBGrid1).Row;

function TForm1.GridRowCount : Integer;
  Result := TmyDBGrid(DBGrid1).RowCount;

Having done that, place a TEdit and TButton on your form to input a new grid row number that's less than the current one. Then try out the following routine:

procedure TForm1.SetGridRow(NewRow : Integer);
  MovedBy : Integer;
  DataSet : TDataSet;
  Possible : Boolean;
  ScrollUp : Boolean;
  OldRow := GetGridRow;
  if NewRow = OldRow then

  ScrollUp := NewRow < OldRow;

  DataSet := dBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet;

  GridRows := TmyDBGrid(DBGrid1).RowCount;
  { TODO : Test the case where the DataSet doesn't have enough rows to fill the grid}
  { TODO : Check why grid reports one more row than it displays.
   Meanwhile ... }
  GridRows := GridRows - 1;

  // First check whether the NewRow value is sensible
  Possible := (NewRow >= 1) and (NewRow <= GridRows);
  if not Possible then exit;

    if ScrollUp then begin

    //  First scroll the dataset forwards enough to bring
    //  a number of new records into view
    MoveDataSetBy := GridRows - NewRow;
    MovedBy := DataSet.MoveBy(MoveDataSetBy);
    Shortfall := MoveDataSetBy - MovedBy;
    if Shortfall = 0 then begin
      //  Now scroll the dataset backwards to get back
      //  to the record we were on
      MoveDataSetBy := -GridRows + NewRow;
      MovedBy := DataSet.MoveBy(MoveDataSetBy);
      MovedBy := DataSet.MoveBy(-MovedBy);
  else begin
    MoveDataSetBy :=  -(NewRow - 1);
    MovedBy := DataSet.MoveBy(MoveDataSetBy);
    //  We need to know if the DS cursor was able to move far enough
    //  back as we've asked or was prevented by reaching BOF
    Shortfall := MoveDataSetBy - MovedBy;
    if Shortfall = 0 then begin
      // The DS cursor succeeded on moving the requested distance
      MoveDataSetBy := NewRow - 1;
      MovedBy := DataSet.MoveBy(MoveDataSetBy);
      //  it failed, so we need to return to the record we started on
      //  but this won't necessarily return us the same grid row number
      MovedBy := DataSet.MoveBy(-MovedBy);

My earlier suggestion, to do a direct assignment to the grid row by "TmyDBGrid(DBGrid1).Row := NewRow;" was based on a mis-recollection, because in fact that seems to do nothing very useful.

The algorithm following "if ScrollUp" is made complicated by the fact that we're not depending on a meaningful RecNo. What this involves is checking whether the dataset cursor can be moved by a sufficient amount in the direction opposite the one we want to move the grid row in, to scroll the DS cursor relative to the rows in the grid, without hitting EOF or BOF - if either of thiose happens, we just move the DS cursor back to where it was and give up trying to scroll the grid.

For ScrollUp, the logic is:

  • First move the dataset cursor to the last row in the grid
  • Then move it forwards some more, by the difference between the old and new Row values.
  • Then move it back by an amount equal to the number of rows in the grid less the new row value.

If all that succeeds, the current row will move to the grid position requested by the NewRow value. Of course, the code combines the first two of these steps. At first, I thought this code was nonsense, because the algebraic sum of the values used for the DataSet.MoveBy()s is zero. In fact, it's not nonsense, just a bit counter-intuitive. Of course the distances add up do zero, because we want to get back to the record we were one; the point of doing the DataSet.MoveBy()s at all is to shake loose, as it were, the grid's grip on the current record and then return to it. This is incidentally why there's no point in doing what I usually when moving off the current record and then returning to it, namely DataSet.GetBookmark/GotBookmark/FreeBookmark and indeed using those will defeat the code's intended effect.

I'm using a ClientDataSet, btw, not a ZEOS one, but that shouldn't make any difference.

Btw, the local DataSet variable is to access the grid's dataset without using Delphi's infernal "With ..." construct.

Incidentally, your comment about "Rows div 2" reminded me: I don't think it's the grid that tells the dataset, ISTR it's the Datalink associated with the grid which tells the dataset how many records it should allocate buffers for. Then, in TDataSet.Resync, you'll notice

if rmCenter in Mode then
  Count := (FBufferCount - 1) div 2 else
  Count := FActiveRecord;

and then take a look how Count is used later in the routine; your theory may be spot on. Maybe put a breakpoint on "if cmCenter in Mode" and see if it gets called from where your grid acts up.

Btw#2, even if this code hasn't helped, this article might http://delphi.about.com/od/usedbvcl/l/aa011004a.htm

