Deserialize to newer version [duplicate]

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-25 02:07:37


I have a binary file that was serialized from a class. That class has been updated.

Now I need to deserialize the old file to the new class.

I don't have access to the old code, but i have access to the old class.

The Class was serialized using BinaryFormatter.

Is there a way to do that?

If not, maybe there a way to deserialize and save only the data that appears in both of the versions?


If you have the old assembly you can upgrade quite easily by:

  • deserialize to objects with old class type
  • write a mapper mapping old data fields to the fields in the new class
  • serialize the objects of the new class

In the mapper you can convert the old data, add new data etc.

