node-red: multi users dashboard + node-red-contrib-users

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-25 01:34:03


I'm trying to use node-red to create a multi-user dashboard, the idea is that the dashboard has different session, each for a different user. A user must be identificated by the system and can't reach the dashboard resources of another user.

I find the multiuser dashboard very useful to this scope, and I try to use it with node-red-contrib-user to obtain a login system that manages different types of account. I make this flow:

but when I try to open the node-red-url/mui it redirect me directly to default user, without let me check the login.

The contrib-user works properly on sections that are different from dashboard (/mui or /ui) It is possible to use the contrib on dashboard or it's better to think to another strategy?

Kind Regards, Gianluca

