Mysql dyanmic value as alias

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-24 17:52:30


So the following works

$query = "SELECT 
        B.value AS variable_character,
        C.value AS text,
        D.value AS integer
    FROM customer_address_entity AS A 
    LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS B 
        ON B.entity_id = A.entity_id
    LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_text AS C 
        ON C.entity_id = A.entity_id
    LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_int AS D 
        ON A.entity_id = D.entity_id
    ORDER BY A.entity_id DESC
    LIMIT 100";

However there are many values that need to be joined to the entity in table A and right now they are all creating their own nested array based on the new value.

0 => 
array (size=4)
  'entity_id' => string '597424' (length=6)
  'variable_character' => string 'Dave' (length=4)
  'text' => string '45 Haven Rd' (length=11)
  'intiger' => string '43' (length=2)
1 => 
array (size=4)
  'entity_id' => string '597424' (length=6)
  'variable_character' => null
  'text' => string '45 Haven Rd' (length=11)
  'intiger' => string '43' (length=2)
2 => 
array (size=4)
  'entity_id' => string '597424' (length=6)
  'variable_character' => string 'Danielson' (length=9)
  'text' => string '45 Haven Rd' (length=11)
  'integer' => string '43' (length=2)
3 => etc

Im thinking this is due to the same key name trying to be joined and therefore I would like to use something more dynamic such as another value such as the value of B.attribute_type_id. where I could get an array to look like

array (size=7)
  'entity_id' => string '597424' (length=6)
  '1' => null
  '2' => 'Dave'
  '3' => 'Danielson'
  '4' => '45 Haven Road'
  'text' => string '45 Haven Rd' (length=11)
  'intiger' => string '43' (length=2)

Or even better: the title for the attributes live in another table called eav_attribute and what would really be ideal would be something along the lines of

$query = "SELECT
    B.value AS (SELECT attribute_code FROM eav_attribute WHERE attribute_id = B.attribute_id),
    C.value AS text,

Is something like this possible? Or am I going about this in the wrong way?


Why are you using left join instead of inner join? Also, if you are doing dynamic queries. You should consider using Stored Procedures. You could mount the SQL statement in a variable and then execute. Here's a quick example:

CREATE DEFINER=`YourDBUSER`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `rtYourProcedureName`(IN variable1 int,variable2d varchar(100), sortBy varchar(50), startRow int, ThisSQL varchar(5000), OUT totalRows int)
###start: MySQL is dumb and do not allow default parameter values, set here:
SET @variable1 = IFNULL(variable1 ,'0');
SET @variable2 = IFNULL(variable2 ,'');
SET @sortBy = IFNULL(sortBy ,'');
SET @startRow = IFNULL(startRow ,1);
###end: MySQL is dumb and do not allow default parameter values

set @htwsql = ThisSQL;

set @htwsql = ' SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS STRAIGHT_JOIN t1.field1 ,t2.field2 ';

if @variable1 = 0 then
	set @htwsql := concat(@htwsql, ' from table1 t1');
	set @htwsql := concat(@htwsql,' from table2 t2 w INNER JOIN table1 t1 ');
end if;

set @htwsql := concat(@htwsql, ' where 1 = 1 ');

### sort order
if rtrim(ltrim(@sortBy)) <> '' then
	set @htwsql := concat(@htwsql,char(13), ' ORDER BY ' , cast(@sortBy as char(50)));
end if;

### limit records for pagination
set @htwsql := concat(@htwsql,char(13), ' LIMIT ', StartRow-1 ,',',24);

### just to debug the generated SQL
insert into rtlogtmp (log) select concat ('rtYourProcedureName SQL = ',@htwsql);

PREPARE stmt1 FROM @htwsql; 

EXECUTE stmt1; 


SELECT FOUND_ROWS() into totalRows;


p.s.: Be careful with the names you use as alias. They may be reserved SQL syntax.

