lmerTest:::anova uses lazy loading of data sets?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-24 10:57:44


Ran into this problem while trying to get the empirical distribution of the K-R degrees of freedom...

This seems like fairly dangerous behaviour? Does it constitute a bug?

Reproducible example:

## import lmerTest package

## an object of class merModLmerTest
m <- lmer(Informed.liking ~ Gender+Information+Product +(1|Consumer), data=ham)

# simulate data from fitted model
# fit model to simulated data
m1 <- lmer(Informed.liking ~ Gender+Information+Product +(1|Consumer), data=simData)

# simulate again, WITHOUT refitting
stats:::anova(m1) # same as before
lmerTest:::anova(m1) # not same as before!


my response does not constitute a solid answer, rather an extended comment:
this looks pretty bad - in fact I have discovered today that almost all the analyses that I conducted in a project that was on the verge of submission have to be redone because of a related behavior of lmerTest.
The problem I have run into was when I used a short function that fits a model with lmer and then returns coef(summary(model)) - simple stuff, two lines of code. However the input to this function was named data and I also had a dataframe called data in the workspace. It seems that although during fitting with lmer the local variable from the function scope was correctly used, during summary the workspace data variable was used (which often was not the same as the dataframe passed to the function) leading to invalid t values and degrees of freedom leading to incorrect p values (the estimates and their standard error was ok however).
So, answering your question:

This seems like fairly dangerous behaviour? Does it constitute a bug?

It seems dangerous indeed and I would definitelly call this a bug.

