Ember - Sort Model after findAll

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-24 10:35:14


I'm using Emberfire in my app, and I'm trying to findAll stats, and then sort that model by a key, like in the following example. But, when I sort this way I lose the ability to see real time updates in my template and I have to reload the page to see the new/updated data in the view.

 model() {
    return this.store
      .findAll('stats', {
        reload: true,
        backgroundReload: true
      .then(stats => stats.sortBy('date'));


You have to define a computed property at your controller or a component, which returns the sorted stats. Do not sort your data at route's model hook. Just return the promise of findAll.

For example:

//controller.js or component.js 
sortedStats: computed('model.@each.date', function() {
  return this.get('model').sortBy('date');

Furthermore ember offers a sort macro:

import { sort } from '@ember/object/computed';

By using it you can solve your requirement more elegant:

// ...
this.init() {
  this.set('sortDefinition', ['date:asc']);
sortedStats: sort('model.@each.date', 'sortDefinition')
// ...

