Add formats to native Date parser

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-24 10:27:09


I was wondering if there was any way to add (and map) formats to the native Date parser in javascript (without using a library).

Similar to the defineParsers method that comes with the Mootools extended Date object, if you are familiar with it, but without Mootools.

The simplest solution I can think of would be to simply replace the Date prototype parse method with one that wraps the original and rearranges input dates to a valid format first, like this:

Date.prototype.parse = (function(oldVersion) {
    function extendedParse(dateString) {
        //change dateString to an acceptable format here
    return extendedParse;

But is there an easier way? Are there any accessible data structures javascript uses to store information pertaining to date formats and their appropriate mappings?


I think your approach is probably the best. You essentially just want to add functionality to a native method. Although, this wouldn't touch the prototype as the parse method is static.

Here is a quick sample:

(function() {

    ​var nativeParse = Date.parse;
    var parsers = [];

    ​Date.parse = function(datestring) {
        for (var i = 0; i<parsers.length; i++) {
            var parser = parsers[i];
            if ( {
                datestring =, datestring);
        return, datestring);

    Date.defineParser = function(pattern, handler) {
        parsers.push({re:pattern, handler:handler});


Date.defineParser(/\d*\+\d*\+\d*/, function(datestring) {
    return datestring.replace(/\+/g, "/");


Here it is on jsfiddle.

