Custom login form to Facebook on an iPhone app

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-24 09:18:41


I'm trying to make an application that can connecto to facebook. I've found Facebook Connect for iPhone and I don't like the login form that it has.

Is there any way to make a custom login form? Is there some api functions to call to login an user on Facebook?

Thank you.


I would recommend not going this route. I'd be suspicious of any app that's asking for credentials that's not using the de-facto standard login control. If there is no standard control, then I have to take my chances with whatever the app presents, but in the case of Facebook, the standard control is part of Facebook Connect.


Just use one of the other API's such as the REST API and then create your own UI to capture the login credentials and call the REST API to login.

