How to test app on device by installing .app (binary) file? (without using Xcode for testing)

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-24 07:38:36


I have created an app and I want to send that to another person for testing it. )

He got an iPhone and a mac, but doesn't have xcode on his mac. (he is not an iphone programmer) So,

If I send the .app file, can he test that on his iPhone? If not, how else I can do this?

This is my first app :) and I have no idea about testing on real devices. So please help me.

Thanks in advance. :)


You need to do what's called "ad-hoc distribution", which requires creating a special ad-hoc provisioning profile that includes your tester's device UDID.

I highly recommend as it greatly simplifies distributing your ad-hoc builds.


Yes, this is what "Ad-hoc" testing is. You'll need to:

  1. Add the friend's device to the iOS provisioning portal at
  2. Generate a provisioning profile that includes it for your app.
  3. Build the app using this profile.
  4. Generate an .IPA file using Product->Archive
  5. Send the friend that .IPA file.

Many more details available in Apple's guides under "Ad-Hoc" testing.

