Iron Router: How do I send data to the layout?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-24 04:26:10


Using Iron Router, I understand how to set data for a template. But how do I send data to a layout that was globally defined?

I set the router layout by:

Router.configure({ layoutTemplate: 'NAME' })

This will set the layout for all my routes.

However from my individual routes, I'd like to send data to the layout template.


The layout uses the data context defined with data in the route option. Here is an excerpt from Iron Router documentation:

Router.route('/routeName', {

  // A data function that can be used to automatically set the data context for
  // our layout. This function can also be used by hooks and plugins. For
  // example, the "dataNotFound" plugin calls this function to see if it
  // returns a null value, and if so, renders the not found template.
  data: function () {
    return Posts.findOne({_id: this.params._id});


We can also set the data context of the layout with this.layout like this:

Router.route('/routeName', function () {
  this.layout('layoutName', {
    data: function() {
      return CollectionName.find();

In addition, we can refer to an existing layoutTemplate option like this:

Router.route('/routeName', function () {
  this.layout(this.lookupOption('layoutTemplate'), {
    data: function() {
      return CollectionName.find();


    layoutTemplate: 'NAME',
    data: function() {
        return CollectionName.find();

As described in the Global Default Options in the iron:router docs:

You can set any of the above options on the Router itself...

Where 'above options' is referring to any of the Route Specific Options

You can also subscribe to a published Collection:

    layoutTemplate: 'NAME',
    subscriptions: function() {

