Force translation into certain language with angular-translate

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-24 04:24:16


I have two translations for my app, English and German, but I need my invoicing module to use a separate language setting.

Is there a way to force the labels on the invoicing page to use the language I set in the invoice_language variable?

So instead of

{{ 'TD_ID' | translate }}

I need something like

{{ 'TD_ID' | translate:'{"language": invoice_language}' }}


Bind your TD_ID only once in your controller swapping the language before you do so.

In your view, instead of:

{{ 'TD_ID' | translate }}

simply bind without translate filter:

{{ 'TD_ID' }}

and in your controller:

function setInvoiceTranslations(key){
  var invoice_language = 'de';
  currentLang = $translate.use();
  var translateText;
  $translate(key).then(function (translatedtext) {
    $scope[key] = translatedtext;



To see this in action see this plunker (which adapts the "How it works" example from

See this page on angular-translate's docs for information about this technique (please read "Things to keep in mind" on that page).

(make sure you inject $translate into your controller, or where-ever you end up putting the setInvoiceTranslations() function)


You can create your custom filter (ex. "wordKey" | translateTo: languageKey ) and call the $translate service:

.filter('translateTo', function ($translate) {
  return function (key, lang) {
   return $translate.instant(key, {}, undefined, lang);
  }; });

You can force the word to be translated on the fly without modifying the global language.$translate


Let follow this doc:$translate You can translate a text to a specific language with forceLanguage param; For example:

$translate('PUSH_NOTIFICATION.NEW_RATING', {}, undefined, undefined, 'ar').then(function (translatedText) {
     if(translatedText){ something

//'PUSH_NOTIFICATION.NEW_RATING' is Translate KEY in your language file
// {}  for dynamic values
// 'ar' a specific language


Another way to do this is using angular-translate's built in translate-language directive as so:

<div translate-language="{{ invoice_language }}">
    {{ 'TD_ID' | translate }}

No need to create a custom one or do anything in the controller.

