ActiveAndroid Pre populate table using schema migration

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-24 02:13:12


I want to create a table for the first time (DB version = 1), and insert into it 2 rows by default. The table needs to be created automatically by ActiveAndroid, and the records should be inserted by the SQL I wrote in 1.sql file.

The table looks fine, but the rows are not inserted at all (no errors thrown).

The model looks like this:

@Table(name = "leagues")
public class League extends Model implements Serializable{

    @Column(name = "name")
    public String name;

    public static List<League> getAll() {
        return new Select()
                .orderBy("name ASC")

and the 1.sql:

INSERT INTO leagues (Id, name) VALUES (1, 'Premier league');


Apparently that ActiveAndroid thinks the version of the DB is 0 in the initial setup of the app. So, the file "1.sql" has a bigger version than the DB number and it will be skipped!

To make it work, the script name should be "0.sql".


If you have initialised ActiveAndroid both with Configuration namely code below and Android Manifest "AA_DB_VERSION"; this is the reason. Remove Configuration.Builder. If you initialise with configuration, ActiveAndroid doesn't get version number from AA_DB_VERSION.


