Filter on Category for NUnit MSBuild tasks?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-23 17:22:05


I'm setting up a MSBuild project to run some NUnit test, using the MSBuild Community Tasks Project.

With these settings I'll be able to run the NUnit tests:

<Target Name="Test" DependsOnTargets="Build">
    <CreateItem Include="$(ProjectTestDir)\$(ClassLibraryOutputDirectory)\*.Tests.dll">
        <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="TestAssembly" />
    <NUnit Assemblies="@(TestAssembly)" />

... but how can i run only certain tests - say the ones with a specific Category? We've added different categories to our tests - some to run all the time, some to only run at a nightly build etc.

I don't see any settings allowing me to filter on this, or did I miss something? Surely some of you have had this same problem and solved it somehow? It doesn't have to be using this msbuild community tasks project.


Looking in the CHM, there's an IncludeCategory property... sounds like what you're looking for? (The CHM file is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\MSBuildCommunityTasks)

