Objective-C project with Swift UIApplication subclass. Error: class not loaded

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-23 15:28:43


I have a project written in Objective-C and I just added a UIApplication subclass using Swift: RMFApplication.swift (implementation at end of post). However, I am getting this error:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Unable to instantiate the UIApplication subclass instance. No class named RMFApplication is loaded.'

  • In my info.plist I correctly specified the name under NSPrincipalClass, and double checked it.
  • I read this answer and then looked in my own main.m which says: return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([RMFAppDelegate class]));.
  • The docs for UIApplicationMain say that if nil is specified as the thrid value then UIApplication is assumed, but why then does my error message include my custom class name? I have to assume nil means it will read the info.plist value.

Note: Subclassing UIApplication worked well with RMFApplication.h and RMFApplication.m. The only thing that changed was the renaming of those files and the addition of a RMFApplication.swift file, which compiles with no warnings:

import UIKit

class RMFApplication: UIApplication {

    override func openURL(url: NSURL) -> Bool
        return false;

I am aware that I can just continue using Objective-C, but I would like to try and migrate to Swift unless the two really don't play well together.


Maybe that's because it uses NSStringFromClass or something, so that in Swift RMFApplication is "mangled" and becomes something like "somePrefix"RMFApplication (or whatever different from just "RMFApplication").

You could try this:

@objc(RMFApplication) class RMFApplication: UIApplication

And then NSStringFromClass will return just "RMFApplication".

