Process.Start is blocking

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-23 08:57:27


I'm calling Process.Start, but it blocks the current thread.

pInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe");

// Start process
mProcess = new Process();
mProcess.StartInfo = pInfo;
if (mProcess.Start() == false) {
    Trace.TraceError("Unable to run process {0}.");

Even when the process is closed, the code doesn't respond anymore.

But Process.Start is really supposed to block? What's going on?

(The process start correctly)

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Test
    class Test
        public static void Main()
            Thread ServerThread = new Thread(AccepterThread);

            Console.WriteLine (" ---  Press ENTER to stop service ---");
            while (Console.Read() < 0) { Application.DoEvents(); }


        public static void AccepterThread(object data)
            bool accepted = false;

            while (true) {
                if (accepted == false) {
                    Thread hThread = new Thread(HandlerThread);
                    accepted = true;
                } else

        public static void HandlerThread(object data)
            ProcessStartInfo pInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe");

            Console.WriteLine("Starting process.");

            // Start process
            Process mProcess = new Process();
            mProcess.StartInfo = pInfo;
            if (mProcess.Start() == false) {
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to run process.");
            Console.WriteLine("Still living...");

Console output is:

--- Press ENTER to stop service --- Starting process.

Found it:


Makes the Process.Start blocking. I read STAThread and Multithreading, but I cannot link the concepts with Process.Start behavior.

AFAIK, STAThread is required by Windows.Form. How to workaround this problem when using Windows.Form?

News for the hell:

If I rebuild my application, the first time I run application work correctly, but if I stop debugging and restart iy again, the problem araise.

The problem is not raised when application is executed without the debugger.


No, Process.Start doesn't wait for the child process to complete... otherwise you wouldn't be able to use features like redirected I/O.

Sample console app:

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

public class Test
    static void Main()
        Process p = new Process { 
            StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe")
        Console.WriteLine("See, I'm still running");

This prints "See, I'm still running" with no problems on my box - what's it doing on your box?


Create a ProcessStartInfo and set UseShellExecute to false (default value is true). Your code should read:

pInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe");
pInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

// Start process
mProcess = new Process();
mProcess.StartInfo = pInfo;
if (mProcess.Start() == false) {
    Trace.TraceError("Unable to run process {0}.");

I had the same issue and starting the executable creating the process directly from the executable file solved the issue.


I was experiencing the same blocking behavior as the original poster in a WinForms app, so I created the console app below to simplify testing this behavior.

Jon Skeet's example uses Notepad, which only takes a few milliseconds to load normally, so a thread block may go unnoticed. I was trying to launch Excel which usually takes a lot longer.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using static System.Console;
using System.Threading;

class Program {

    static void Main(string[] args) {

        WriteLine("About to start process...");

        //Toggle which method is commented out:

        //StartWithPath();  //Blocking
        //StartWithInfo();  //Blocking
        StartInNewThread(); //Not blocking

        WriteLine("Process started!");

    static void StartWithPath() {

    static void StartWithInfo() {
        var p = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(TestPath) };

    static void StartInNewThread() {
        var t = new Thread(() => StartWithPath());

    static string TestPath =
        Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) +

Calls to both StartWithPath and StartWithInfo block my thread in a console app. My console does not display "Process Started" until after the Excel splash screen closes and the main window is open.

StartInNewThread will display both messages on the console immediately, while the splash screen for Excel is still open.


We had this problem when launching a .bat script that was on a network drive on a different domain (we have dual trusted domains). I ran a remote C# debugger and sure enough Process.Start() was blocking indefinitely.

When repeating this task interactively in power shell, a security dialog was popping up:

As far as a solution, this was the direction we went. The person that did the work modified domain GPO to accomplish the trust.


Start server via command prompt:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\iisexpress" /path:\Publish /port:8080

This take access to sub-threads of the tree process of OS.

