how to define the derivative of a custom activation function in keras

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-23 06:52:08


I have a custom activation function and its derivative, although I can use the custom activation function I don't know how to tell keras what is its derivative.

It seems like it finds one itself but I have a parameter that has to be shared between the function and its derivative so how can I do that?

I know there is a relatively easy way to do this in tensorflow but I have no idea how to implement it in keras here is how you do it in tensorflow

Edit: based on the answer I got maybe I wasn't clear enough. What I want is to implement a custom derivative for my activation function so that it use my derivative during the backpropagation. I know how to implement a custom activation function.


Take a look at the source code where the activation functions of Keras are defined:


For example:

def relu(x, alpha=0., max_value=None):
    """Rectified Linear Unit.

    # Arguments
        x: Input tensor.
        alpha: Slope of the negative part. Defaults to zero.
        max_value: Maximum value for the output.

    # Returns
        The (leaky) rectified linear unit activation: `x` if `x > 0`,
        `alpha * x` if `x < 0`. If `max_value` is defined, the result
        is truncated to this value.
    return K.relu(x, alpha=alpha, max_value=max_value)

And also how does Keras layers call the activation functions: self.activation = activations.get(activation) the activation can be string or callable.

Thus, similarly, you can define your own activation function, for example:

def my_activ(x, p1, p2):
    return ...

Suppose you want use this activation in Dense layer, you just put your function like this:

x = Dense(128, activation=my_activ(p1, p2))(input)

If you mean you want to implement your own derivative:

If your activation function is written in Tensorflow/Keras functions of which the operations are differentiable (e.g., tf.matmul(), tf.concat() etc.), then the derivatives will be obtained by automatic differentiation In that case you dont need to write your own derivative.

If you still want to re-write the derivatives, check this document where you need to register your gradients using tf.RegisterGradient

