Adding data to jQuery-Flexigrid without ajax-request

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-23 04:41:46


I want to save some unneeded requests and time for displaying a table the first time and so I thought maybe I could set the initial data directly without any ajax-request. I tried it like that:

$('#testTable').flexAddData('[formatted json here]');

and also that

$('#testTable').addData('[formatted json here]');

But it hasn't any effect. Can I do that and what is the right syntax?


Did you use the eval()?

$("#testTable").flexAddData(eval('[formatted json here]'));

or try

$("#testTable").flexAddData(eval('[formatted json here]')).flexReload();

hope this helps


I've also met this problem and spent a lot of time trying to solve it. Solution in my case was pretty simple. You just need to specify dataType : "json" obviously in flexigrid() function. Default dataType is XML. So, it don't want to understand JSON:

$("#myTable").flexigrid({dataType : "json"});


To supplement Anwar and user1635430 answers, here is an example JSON code:

"page": "1",
"total": "9",
"rows": [
        "id": "1",
        "cell": [

The code is done by Anwar, I "stole" it from his answer on some other question.

