
【华磊随笔】善于使用工具(1)-使用IE8开发人员工具和FireBug分析Jquery FlexiGrid的实现原理

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-04-06 22:37:58
作者: 华磊 发表于 2010-08-20 22:27 原文链接 阅读: 706 评论: 6 【华磊随笔】善于使用工具(1)-使用IE8开发人员工具和FireBug分析Jquery FlexiGrid的实现原理 "工欲善其事,必先利其器" 当今Web开发,如何有效的提升用户操作体验已经越来越重要,以现在的技术而言,Javascript 操作dom和style是最有效的手段;Web开发不像Windows开发一样,往往要涉及到很多不同的技术和方向;同时,由于机制的原因和技术的分散,快速有效方便的调试Javascript很大程度上会直接影响到我们实际的开发效率。 笔者自1999年就开始涉猎Web开发,最早时抱着本HTML参考手册,开着记事本就开始写网页了,所谓的调试就是不停的增加alert来跟踪程序的执行状态;实话说,10余年了,由于技术本身的特点,Web脚本的调试方法并没有像其他语言一样有着明显的进步;我还是经常看到一些开发人员用alert进行代码的跟踪,不得不认为是这个领域的悲剧现象。 但就最近两年,由Mozilla、Google、Apple几大巨头又重新点燃了浏览器战场的硝烟,同时,也由于竞争,使得主流的浏览器产品也进入了快速发展的黄金时期;浏览器的功能不断升级,调试手段的不断改进,执行效率的不断提升,同时也提供了更多好的工具和方法来进行更快更方面的Web脚本调试;其中的较好的首推

比Jquery FlexiGrid更好用 dotnetFlexGrid 1.2beta更新-增加展现模板模式(Grid中可以放编辑控件和任意Html内容了)

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-02-29 23:16:30
作者: 华磊 发表于 2010-08-19 21:29 原文链接 阅读: 126 评论: 0 累,先看效果,前两天提问表格内不能编辑的朋友开心了: 2010-8-19 v1.2 beta 修复快速查询时的键盘回车事件与控件外围事件的冲突的问题。 修复快速查询时设置正则表达式时可能导致的语法错误的问题。 数据提供方法DataHandler将不再强制要求与列的绑定顺序一致,现在通过返回的DataTable中的ColumnName自动绑定到合适的列,所以,请保证您的DataTable和控件中的列名一致(区分大小写)。 增加展现模板的功能,现InitConfig初始化时针对列配置增加了一个itemTemplate属性,该属性提供了当前列的展现模板设定。 演示项目中FirstGrid.aspx增加了客户端刷新、服务端刷新和快速查询功能的演示。 演示项目中TestTemplate.aspx提供了使用展现模板的演示。 下载请访问首页置顶链接 简介请访问 JQuery FlexiGrid的asp.net完美解决方案:dotNetFlexGrid-.Net原生的异步表格控件 简介和应用效果截图 使用指南请访问 JQuery FlexiGrid的asp.net完美解决方案-dotNetFlexGrid使用指南(一) 评论: 0  查看评论   发表评论 程序员找工作,就在博客园 最新新闻: ·

how do you pass parameters in asmx using Flexigrid?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-01-02 08:29:22
问题 here's my code: $('#flex1').flexigrid({ method: 'POST', url: '/services/MHService.asmx/GetSurgicalHistory', dataType: 'xml', colModel: [ { display: 'Surgical Procedure', name: 'SurgicalProcedure', width: 120, sortable: true, align: 'left' }, { display: 'Notes', name: 'Notes', width: 120, sortable: true, align: 'left' }, { display: 'Complications', name: 'Complications', width: 120, sortable: true, align: 'left' } ], searchitems: [ { display: 'Surgical Procedure', name: 'SurgicalProcedure' },

FlexiGrid “No Items”, response clearly shows data

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-25 14:48:42
问题 Table is visible, looks fine, column headers show up, but after a split second of "processing, please wait..." the status goes to "No Items". Inspecting the response in the DOM shows the data is being returned properly from the web service, formatted as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <MyDataClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> <Page>1</Page> <Rows> <MyDataRow> <request_id>13073<

FlexiGrid “No Items”, response clearly shows data

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-25 14:48:19
问题 Table is visible, looks fine, column headers show up, but after a split second of "processing, please wait..." the status goes to "No Items". Inspecting the response in the DOM shows the data is being returned properly from the web service, formatted as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <MyDataClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> <Page>1</Page> <Rows> <MyDataRow> <request_id>13073<

Grid - When should you switch from html to server side table processing?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-23 05:38:10
问题 ,This question is likely subjective, but a lot of "grid" Javascript plugins have come out to help paginate and sort tables. They usually work in 2 ways, the first and simplest is that it takes an existing HTML <table> and converts it into a sortable and searchable information. The second is that it passes info to the server and has the server select info from the database to be displayed. My question is this: At what point (size wise) is it more efficient to use server-side processing vs

Adding data to jQuery-Flexigrid without ajax-request

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-23 04:41:46
问题 I want to save some unneeded requests and time for displaying a table the first time and so I thought maybe I could set the initial data directly without any ajax-request. I tried it like that: $('#testTable').flexAddData('[formatted json here]'); and also that $('#testTable').addData('[formatted json here]'); But it hasn't any effect. Can I do that and what is the right syntax? 回答1: Did you use the eval() ? $("#testTable").flexAddData(eval('[formatted json here]')); or try $("#testTable")

Changing Jquery FlexGrid's data

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-23 03:25:15
问题 I am having a flex grid. I need to change the data which is showing in that. In $(document).ready() I am calling a function and I am getting the result.Now what i want is to get data from db using another query.So I just made a function, in that i am adding the needed values to fetch the data in the url.This function is calling when I click a button .But the request is not going .So that is not changing.Please Help me. Thanks $(document).ready(function() { getAllData(); //first call $("

Codeigniter: using datagrid

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-22 13:57:08
问题 i'm looking for implement datagrid with CI, better if using ajax. Searching on Google i've found many tutorial and discussion on how to use Flexigrid-4-CI or jqGrid , anyway i'm still confused on which one could offer more flexibility. For example, is it possible to set more than one field to filter results with Flexigrid? Besides extending my search i found other libraries such as CarboGrid or datagrid-CI. Does anyone tried that stuff? What's your suggestion? CarboGrid looks really

Grails getProperties method does not always return properties in the correct order

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-13 03:44:10
问题 I have a class that looks like this: class Foo { name description static constraints = { name() description() } } I want to add display instances of my class in a Flexigrid. When data is sent to a flexigrid it needs to be in a format like JSON or XML... I have chosen JSON. Flexigrid expects JSON arrays it receives to have the following format: { "page": "1", "total": "1", "rows": [ { "id": "1", "cell": [ "1", "The name of Foo 1", "The description of Foo 1" ] }, { "id": "2", "cell": [ "2",