SmartGWT ListGrid is slow, but only in Internet Explorer

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-22 18:42:17


We have migrated from gwtext to SmartGWT and overall the experience is Ok. However, we have big problems with the ListGrid component of SmartGWT.

It is very slow if both of the following conditions are met:

  • Internet Explorer is used
  • 5 or more columns

the speed will decrease if you add more columns up to the point where the whole thing is unusable and you have to kill the browser, e.g. through the windows task manager.

Grids with 1 column are fine in internet explorer

Grids with a large number of columns are fine in Firefox, opera

In the SmartGWT forums I've found two entries that are about this problem, but none of the suggested workarounds has fixed the problem.

Since I am only allowed to post one hyperlink, here's the number of the second thread:


Any help is greatly appreciated


Can you list out the actual steps you took to make sure you followed all the suggestions in the threads in the SmartClient forums?

If you look at the SmartGWT Showcase LiveGrid sample:

Is this slow for you? If so possibly something is wrong with your machine or browser and you should try a co-worker's machine.


From my experience I.E. 8 handles horribly more than one or two buttons in a page (input type=button or button tags). I don't know if listgrid makes any use of that but if it does there is no workaround. Use something that uses divs.


Try using grid's setFastCellUpdates(true);

