Reload or notify Fragment's data in ViewPager

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-22 10:00:11


I have [main]Fragment with two ViewPagers in it. Each ViewPager contains several Fragments in it. ViewPager's Fragments obtain data into their ListViews from [main]Fragment. I need to update data in all ListViews, which comes from [main]Fragment.

I've tried to remove current [main]Fragment and add new one (reload it), but when I am calling .remove([main]Fragment) or .detach([main]Fragment) methods in .supportFragmentManager() [main]Fragment is not destroying or detaching, it just hiding and I cant add new one, just make .atach([main]Fragment) for current... Reload activity is bad idea. Please help me.


Content Observers

Here's a simple URI that the link doesn't show how to do. Put this in the class that does the data changes so any fragment can access it static via ClassName.CONTENT_URI.

private static final String BASE_PATH = "Imustdorefresh";//see content providers
private static final String AUTHORITY = "somethinguniquehereprobablyappcomname";
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY
            + "/" + BASE_PATH);

This code goes in fragments onresume see the link don't forget to unregister in onpause


//yourObserver is code to refresh the fragment {do stuff here code}

In the piece of code that changes the data call the contentresolver notify method after every data change. The content resolver will call the registered observers in the fragments.


For more information see content provider and content observer. For more details on a Content Provider

